Here is more information regarding the special collection to assist the people so devastatingly impacted by the fires in California. We announced this collection this past weekend, but given the civil holiday and the late Sunday snowfall, fewer parishioners were at Mass than usual. Thus, this email being sent to everyone.
Bishop Caggiano asks that we have a collection for those severely impacted by the fires. Rather than have a third collection, we will do what we often do: place collection boxes at the doors of the church. Parishioners can contribute with cash, or a check made out to "Saint Mary Parish" and writing "California wildfires" in the memo line. Online parishioners may also go to their account where they will find a special collection designated "California Wildfires". Donations may also be dropped off or mailed to the parish office.
This collection will run through Sunday, February 7.
As we know, fraud can find its way into these kinds of emergency funds. We will send our monies to the Diocese of Bridgeport who will in turn, send them to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for use within their already established charitable organizations.
There are many reasons, human and environmental, as to why the fires became so strong, but the human suffering is real. Thank you for being generous in this call from Bishop Frank. And please remember to pray for the many people who have lost so much in the fires.