Do not leave trash, rubbish, or discarded plants by the garage. The dumpster is at the rear of the building.
Signs have been installed at both entrances to the Cemetery with general information. Bright yellow signs with specific seasonal clean-ups will be posted at least 3 weeks prior to the scheduled clean-up. The following regulations tell what is permitted and what is not permitted in grave decorations. Please remember that all decoration regulations exist more to protect the families rather than to hinder them. While we all may not agree, the cemetery has tried to establish the fairest set of rules for all families and tries to enforce them reasonably and uniformly. General Provisions Hundreds of people visit the cemetery each year, many visit in a single day. Because the cemetery is open to the public, it is very difficult to control the activity of every visitor. We regret we cannot protect decorations from damage or theft.
All decorations and plantings become the property of Saint Mary Cemetery and based upon their judgment the staff will remove any and all decorations and plantings that:
*Material limitations such as, but not limited to vases, jars, bottles, styrofoam, crockery, statuary, cans, vigil lights, stuffed animals, toys, ornaments, paper-maché, marble chips, coping, edging, pumpkins, Christmas trees, battery, or solar lights, etc.
Year-Round Guidelines
Decorations for the Growing Season
April 15th through Thanksgiving.
Flush Marker Section
Important Notice The period from November 1st to the Monday before Thanksgiving is used by the Cemetery to clean up the grounds for winter. We ask that you remove anything you might want to save for the next growing season before November 1st. |
Decorations for the Non-Growing Season Monday before Thanksgiving through mid-January. Flush Marker Section Artificial flowers and/or evergreen boughs in boxes or pots may be placed on top of flush markers only.Grave blankets or sprays are permitted.
Monument Section
Important Notice The period from mid-January (3rd week) through March 1st is traditionally used by the Cemetery to clean up the grounds for the coming spring. All fall and winter decorations will be moved during this period. If at all possible, we request that you refrain from placing any new decorations during this clean up period. If you wish to save your decorations, please remove them before the end of the second week of January. |