Monday, January 13th St. Hilary of Poitiers 7:00 am Barbara Quinn 12:00 pm Maritza Santiago Tuesday, January 14th 7:00 am John Burger 12:00 pm Maritza Santiago Wednesday, January 15th 7:00 am James O'Neill 12:00 pm Maritza Santiago Thursday, January 16th 7:00 am Trice Calise 12:00 pm Jack MacDonald Friday, January 17th St. Anthony 7:00 am Maritza Santiago 12:00 pm Elizabeth Moore Saturday, January 18th 8:00 am Anna Merulla 4:30 pm Katherine A. Schuster Sunday, January 19th 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Kenneth Paul Ducey, Sr. 9:00 am Katherine Austin 10:30 am St. Mary Parishioners 12:00 pm Kenneth R. Forrest 5:00 pm Ian Austin Monday, January 20th St. Fabian, St. Sebastian Martin Luther King Jr. Day 9:00 am John Almstead Tuesday, January 21st St. Agnes 7:00 am Andrew Nirrengarten 12:00 pm Margot Victoria Perez De Arencibia Wednesday, January 22nd Day of Prayer Legal Protection of Unborn Children 7:00 am Saint Mary Parishioners 12:00 pm Maria Chomiak Thursday, January 23rd St. Vincent, St. Marianne Cope 7:00 am Saint Mary Parishioners 12:00 pm Hope Hughes Friday, January 24th St. Francis de Sales 7:00 am Saint Mary Parishioners 12:00 pm Jacqueline Casamento Saturday, January 25th Conversion of St. Paul 8:00 am Rev. Andrew Nirrengarten 4:30 pm Sylvia Schuster Sunday, January 26th 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Terry Ali 9:00 am Ronald Romagnoli 10:30 am Maria Funeri 12:00 pm St. Mary Parishioners 5:00 pm Patrick J. Dorme
Our Parish accepts announced Mass intentions for Masses in our Church and School Hall as well as unannounced Mass intentions. Announced Mass intentions are scheduled on a specific date and time for the intentions of a single individual or family. The individuals name is announced at the Mass and printed in the weekly bulletin. An unannounced Mass intention is not scheduled for a specific date or time and is not announced at the Mass or printed in the bulletin. Both types of Mass intentions include a card with envelope.
The following guidelines apply when scheduling intentions. In the event a request for an announced Mass intention does not fall within these guidelines, an unannounced Mass intention will be offered.
Please note the following guidelines:
What better way to remember a friend or loved one than with a candle lit in their name? Candle intention options are as follows:
All intentions will be noted in our Bulletin during the week requested and each candle intention includes a card with envelope.
Church Sanctuary Candle
January 20th-26th For † Ann Melnick