ADDICTION & RECOVERY MINISTRY Parishioners Marilyn Kain and Lynn Tidgwell have started a new addiction and recovery ministry based on the iThirst Initiative. It will launch with a Holy Hour in September and continue with a weekly book study. Substance abuse claims more than 175,000 lives every year in the United States, making it the third leading cause of death in this country. During the COVID-19 pandemic and since, the crisis has accelerated dramatically. There is a spiritual component of the disease of addiction that cannot be met by clinical professionals, but only by the spiritual consolation and guidance that God can provide. god hears the cries of those who suffer with addiction as well as those who care about them. We would like to accompany you on the journey to finding the road to freedom. ALTAR FLOWER MINISTRY The Altar Flower Ministry ensures there are flowers on the tabernacle altar each week, including holidays and special events. It also keeps flowers or plants on the 2 side altars and in Holy Family Hall. ALTAR GUILD ALTAR SERVERS The Altar Server ministry is an opportunity for boys & girls in the fifth grade and older, who have received their First Communion, to reverently assist the priest and the entire assembly at Mass on Sundays and other special occasions. Availability to serve at least two Sundays a month is preferred.
-You may begin Altar Serving in Fifth Grade -Brothers and sisters are always assigned to the same team -Teams have a mix of experienced and inexperienced servers -Servers & family members who are Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled for the same Mass -When necessary, substitution is possible
BAPTISM / PRE-BAPTISM PREP CATHOLIC WOMEN IN COMMUNITY COR - MEN'S MINISTRY Prayer, Formation, Fraternity. St. Mary Parish, in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus, is excited to share the implementation of COR, a new formation and fraternal opportunity for all men at St. Mary Parish. Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation and fraternity. Second Tuesday of the month. Holy Family Hall, 7:30PM. Email for more information. D4L - DISCIPLES FOR LIFE ADULT RETREAT The Disciples for Life retreat group was started at St. Mary’s 16 years ago. This is a parish-sponsored retreat open to adults 18 and older. The retreat itself is held twice a year and is a weekend-long event. The Disciples for Life’s mission is to bring people closer to Christ with an emphasis on making disciples for the kingdom of God. What started as a parish-wide retreat has expanded to a diocesan-wide retreat. Our retreat takes place at the Seton-Neuman Center in Danbury on the grounds of Immaculate High School. It is an authentically Catholic retreat and includes time for reflection, Eucharistic Adoration, mass and Reconciliation, as well as spiritual talks given by the team. We have had over 300 individuals make this retreat over the years and several have made it more than once. Each person comes to the retreat with their own unique and individual relationship with Christ. This retreat offers an opportunity to grow closer to Christ and those who have attended describe it as "life changing." DOROTHY DAY HOSPITALITY HOUSE St. Mary's is graciously responsible to feed those less fortunate at the Dorothy Day Hospitality House in Danbury the third Sunday of each month. A request for meal prep goes out the first week of the month via “Sign Up Genius.” Volunteers commit to prepare a tray for 20 (main meal or salad) at home and then drop off at St. Mary’s. The food is then transported to Dorothy Day where it is served by our team. Recipes are provided. Do not neglect to show hospitality, for by that means some have entertained angels without knowing it." - Hebrews 13:1-2 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers) assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and some also take Communion to the homebound. Lectors read the Old and New Testament readings at Mass in addition to introducing the Mass, the ministers and making any necessary announcements. Both ministries serve the beauty and solemnity of the Eucharist. GAIL - HELP FOR GRIEVING CHILDREN How we help Thanks to the generosity of our donors, our GALE program is offered free-of-charge to schools and community organizations in Connecticut and New York. Designed for students K-12, this workshop complements the social and emotional education already provided in school. Developing empathy, and learning how to cope with adversity, are vital for healthy development. 1. Interactive workshop: explores ways to help students talk about grief—their own or the grief of someone close to them—in ways that are not scary, and normalizes grief and gives students the language and tools to reach out to their friends who are hurting. 2. Peer support groups for grieving children and teenagers. 3. Professional development for teachers. GIVING TREE Each year our Mother's Club and the Giving Tree Elves work tirelessly to gather donations to give to those less fortunate to have a Merry Christmas! The Mothers’ Club organizes and runs the bake sale to support the purchase of gifts along with assisting in wrapping, sorting, and shopping for gifts. The trees are decorated with Christmas Wish Ornaments that Parishioners take off the tree, purchase, wrap, and return in early December for distribution to local charities. HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Each Sunday, Eucharistic Ministers visit homebound Parishioners, and also residents at Laurel Ridge Health Care Center, Ridgefield Congregate Housing and the Ridgefield Crossing Assisted Living Residence. To receive the Eucharist, please contact the Parish office. HOSPITALITY HOUR & WELCOME MINISTRY Our team is passionate about fostering a welcoming environment where connections are made, and everyone feels part of our parish family. We warmly welcome all parishioners, including children and families, to our signature Hospitality Hours, which are the perfect opportunity to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, savor homemade treats, and engage in heartfelt conversations with fellow parishioners. These gatherings are more than just a chance to socialize; they’re a way to build lasting friendships and strengthen our parish community. We also host special receptions for new parishioners and families of the newly baptized, as well as other social gatherings and opportunities to learn about our parish ministries. Consult the parish bulletin for more details and join us to experience the joy of community in a family-friendly setting! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS We offer Catholic men and their families an opportunity to explore their faith and share God’s love through service to our priests, parish and community. Join 2 million Knights around the world as you share your time & talents. Calling Dads and Kids! Don’t you want to be the best role model for your child? The easiest way is to share the faith with your children by spending time with them and “walking the talk.” Connect the words to action! Join the Knights for the opportunity to serve our church and community together WITH your children. We are looking for Dads and their kids to help us throughout the year. LAUNDRY LOVE Laundry Love of Greater Danbury (LLGD) gives pre-paid laundry cards to our neighbors in Danbury who are struggling financially. We distribute cards on the second Wednesday of each month at White Street Wash (10 AM- 4 PM) to people who are doing their laundry at that time. We also partner with about 12 Danbury social service agencies who distribute cards to their clients throughout the month. Thanks to the generosity of St. Mary Parish, our other nine member faith communities, and other community-minded organizations, LLGD recently increased the value of each card to $13. Read their annual report. MARRIAGE / MARRIAGE PREP MEN'S MINISTRY Every Saturday morning from 6:30-8:00am, men gather in St. Mary School Hall to hit the “pause button” on life to be refreshed by listening to the Word of God (plus a thoughtful reflection), and then discuss how it speaks to our daily lives. We finish up with prayer intentions for our loved ones. Over 300 men have joined MM, and 40-50 attend weekly. Coffee and bagels are served. All are invited. MIDNIGHT RUN Saint Mary Parish participates in an area-wide program that takes food, clothing, and toiletries to those living on the streets of New York City and tries to create a relationship of trust, sharing, understanding and affection with those it serves. Midnight runners collect and sort items of clothing and prepare food for distribution. Vans used for transport belong to the “Midnight Run” organization. MOTHER'S CLUB Mothers of children of all ages are welcome to come to get to know each other, support each other, and plan social and charitable activities to take part in throughout the year. MUSIC MINISTRY Adult Choir Ages 16+. No prior experience necessary. Chorus rehearses Tuesdays at 6:30pm and sings at the 9am Sunday Mass as well as feasts during the year. Singing is the most primary and beautiful of all art forms; it contributes to health, peace of mind, and glorifies the Lord. As Saint Augustine said, “Singing, is praying twice!” Children's Choir Open to all St. Mary School children ages 7 - 13 with a desire to grow in their faith using God's gift of music & singing! St. Mary Parish Children’s Choir will sing monthly during the 10:30am Sunday Mass. As the Choir grows, special events at Christmas or other times may be added. Rehearsals Tuesdays 5:30PM - 6:00PM. First rehearsal October 8, 2024. THE PILGRIM VIRGIN The traveling statue of Our Lady of Fatima, the Pilgrim Virgin. The concept of the ministry is simple. Anyone who would like to pray with Our Lady arranges for a visit through Elma Stoveken and she travels from her home to her destination. A place of honor is encouraged for the Pilgrim Virgin in her new home and the only requirement is to pray the Rosary daily for world peace and also any special intentions. The Pilgrim Virgin has been traveling at St. Mary Parish since the year 2000 and many graces and blessings have been reported by her hosts. Contact Elma Stoveken ( to arrange a visit. RCIA READER MINISTRY Readers serve the Parish by proclaiming the Old and New Testament readings during the Mass, primarily at weekend and holy day liturgies. Prospective readers are required to complete formation mandated by the Diocese in order to serve. Any parishioner interested in learning more can follow this link. RESPECT LIFE St. Mary Parish Respect Life Ministry collaborates with and supports the efforts of the Diocese of Bridgeport to build a culture of life. We are committed to defending and protecting the sanctity of human life from natural conception to natural death. Through prayer and advocacy, our aim is to provide parishioners with information to educate and opportunities to actively support the critical life issues of our time, including pregnancy support, post abortion outreach and healing, end of life decisions and Catholic health care directives. ROSARY MINISTRY AT LAUREL RIDGE SCRIPTURE STUDY (EVENING) We offer Scripture-based studies twice a year, beginning in September and in January. Most run 8 to 12 weeks. These are formal studies from Catholic organizations, which include workbooks and DVD lectures. Sessions comprise listening to the lectures and discussing the homework in the workbooks. All levels of Scriptural knowledge welcome. SENIOR CITIZEN LUNCHEON Every second Tuesday of the month. Mass at noon with lunch to follow in the School Hall. RSVP to Saint Mary School. STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministry is centered on listening and being present to those experiencing a major life change, such as a job loss, a new baby, an illness, a move, the loss of a family member…. It’s a one-to-one ministry supported by training and confidentiality. As a Stephen Ministry we walk beside a person as they adjust to the impacts of their life change. USHERS & GREETERS This important ministry welcomes and seats worshipers as they arrive for Mass, takes up the offertory collection, moves kneelers into position for communion and distributes bulletins at the end of Mass. It requires arriving 20 minutes before Mass and 10 minutes after Mass.