St. Mary Corporation is a civil corporation in the State of Connecticut. It's members are as follows: PRESIDENT Most Rev. Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport Vice President Msgr. William J. Scheyd, P.A., Diocesan Vicar General Secretary/Treasurer Msgr. Kevin T. Royal Lay Member Jennifer Mitchell Lay Member Frank Alvarez |
The Parish Finance Council is responsible for assisting the Pastor in the management of all aspects of Parish finances in accordance with universal Church law (Code of Canon Law) and Diocesan policy. Since the Parish Finance council is advisory to the Pastor, its recommendations must be ratified by him. The Council meets monthly and presents a quarterly financial report to the Parish. It also oversees the preparation of an annual Parish budget, in collaboration with the Parish Pastoral Council, and presents that budget to the Pastor for approval.
Kristin McSpedon (Chair),
John Ahle, Felix Cacciato,
Mike Kane, Brian Kelley,
Jim Ledwith, Paula Molloy,
Bob Silveri
Note - Two lay members of St. Mary's Corporation, Jennifer Mitchell and Frank Alvarez, attend Finance Council meetings but are not members of the body.